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时间:2024-05-10 06:48编辑:admin来源:开元官网平台当前位置:主页 > 养花知识 > 花与健康 >
本文摘要:In the August issue of Smithsonians Air Space magazine, Tom Vanderbilt tests out NASAs new Orion spaceship, which will go deeper into space than anyspaceship has before.在史密森学会8月份的《航天与航空》杂志中,汤姆·范德比尔特测试了NASA近期的猎户座宇宙飞船,该飞船将比以往任何飞船都要了解太空中去。


In the August issue of Smithsonians Air Space magazine, Tom Vanderbilt tests out NASAs new Orion spaceship, which will go deeper into space than anyspaceship has before.在史密森学会8月份的《航天与航空》杂志中,汤姆·范德比尔特测试了NASA近期的猎户座宇宙飞船,该飞船将比以往任何飞船都要了解太空中去。Vanderbilt toured a low-fidelitymockup of Orion at Lockheed Martins Exploration Development Laboratoryin Houston, and he describes the spaceship as resembling a Star WarsStormtroopers helmet.汤姆·范德比尔在坐落于休斯敦的洛克希德马丁公司的探寻研究实验室里测试了该飞船的“较低保真度模型”,他形容这架飞船很像《星球大战》里突击队员的头盔。Despite massive NASA budget cuts recently,NASA gave the lab $6.1 billion in 2006 for Orions construction. When theprogram was canceled, Lockheed Martin created a contact, which has beenextended to 2020, to build capsules for three missions. Orion, Vanderbiltwrites, is NASAs most ambitious crewed vehicle ever and willcarry the human space program for the next 30 years. NASA hopesOrion will be able to complete everything from lunar exploration to Marsmissions.尽管最近几年NASA的支出获得了大量的缩减,但是在2006年的时候给该实验室经费61亿美元借以研发猎户座飞船。当该计划被中止时,洛克希德马丁公司又与NASA取得联系,于是该计划被推迟到2020年,任务是修建太空舱以已完成三项任务。



Orion will eventually reach speeds of 20,000 mph, Vanderbiltreports, and will be able to leave low Earth orbit, where the InternationalSpace Station is located. According to NASAs website, Orions first test flight willoccur by the end of the year, with Orion atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket. Orionsfirst exploration mission, which will be the first to combine Orion with NASAsnew SpaceLaunch System, is scheduled for 2017.猎户座的最后时速将超过2万英里,而且有能力离开了较低地球轨道,而国际空间站于是以坐落于该轨道上。根据NASA网站上的众说纷纭,猎户座的首次测试飞行中将于年底前已完成,运载火箭将是三角洲四号运载火箭。根据计划,猎户座将于2017年展开首次太空探险,到时猎户座飞船将首次与NASA的新空间发射系统结合。





